Ningbo Huaxiang Dongfang Machinery and Tools of Power Co. Ltd. is the leading and best manufacture of transmission line stringing equipment and tools in China. Our company is located in Harbour industrial zone, Xiangshan, Ningbo, China.
Transmission Line Stringing Equipment Workshop
The company has over 120 experienced people, most of them have been working for the company more than 10 years. We have one well known stringing equipment expert from National Power Company, 2 senior engineers, 10 engineers, 8 assistant engineers and 17 senior technicians.
Our production facility comprise of 169 sets of production equipments such as Machine Center, CNC machines, 1.6 meter Vertical Lathe, 1.4 meter horizontal Lathe, Paint Spray House, Anti twisting steel wire rope braiding Machine, Nylon sheave Casting Machine, etc.
Machine Workshop Machining centers for processing parts of puller, tensioner, winches.
CNC machines
Machines for processing bullwheels of tensioner
Nylon sheave casting workshop
Workshop for assembly of stringing blocks and tools
Anti twisting braided steel wire rope workshop
Load test Horizontal tensile machine
Load Test Vertical Tensile Machine
Transmission Line Stringing Equipment Test Site
Transmission Line Stringing Tools Warehouse